
What Can AMTOPP Do For You?

Promote high industry standards and ethics in turf, ornamental, and pesticide applications.
Offer education and networking opportunities through annual conferences and member discounts.
Collaborate with legislative, regulatory, and educational bodies to support the industry.
Support the green industry with scholarships and professional development opportunities.
Foster industry unity and community involvement through social events and volunteer work.

Which Membership Fits You?


Any person, firm, partnership or corporation who is actively engaged in the application of pesticides is eligible to be a Regular member of the Association, provided they are properly certified or licensed by the respective state agency for the application of pesticides under one or more categories in the state where the business is performed.

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Any person, firm, partnership, or corporation who is not actively engaged in the application of pesticides (and is not certified or licensed for the application of pesticides) is eligible to be an Associate Member of the Association.

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Any firm, partnership, or corporation in the business of providing services and materials to public or private green industry businesses.

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